Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Avery is here!!

Here we are!! Avery is here, and doing great! She was 6 lbs 11 oz, and 19 1/2 inches. We delivered at Clovis Community Hospital this time via c-section, and thankfully I was out of there in under 24 hours!! I was able to come home to my own bed, and have as many people over as I wanted. It was a blessing! Little baby Avery has been claimed by Grace as her own, and she wants to hold the baby, but I don't think she really understands the whole picture yet because when she is done holding her she just pushes her away (toward the floor, if I was not there to supervise...) just like she was one of her dolls. We have been dressing her "babies" in Avery's clothes, feeding them bottles, and giving them diapers to make her feel more like a "big girl." Overall, it is fun, and exciting, yet I know the hard part is yet to come when Avery feels like it is time to stop sleeping so much, and wake up to her new world. Dave and I are taking one day at a time, and enjoying both of our girls! Dave has been wonderful! He has gone beyond my expectations and really taken over all of the household chores, errand running, coming home from work early, taking Grace to daycare and picking her up...and the list goes on while I am recovering from everything. We are so thankful for our family and friends that have helped out and brought us meals and and spent their time with us. Enjoy the pictures!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray, Welcome Avery! Treat yourself right as you recover Katie, enjoy some tea and relaxation! xoxo cousin lauren